Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor

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Creating the Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on our ability to transform brands through innovative and user-centric digital experiences. When Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor approached us to create their online presence, we saw an exciting opportunity to bring their curated range of home decor products and their design expertise to life. Utilizing the Divi WordPress theme, we set out to design a website that not only showcases their products but also embodies their brand’s ethos—friendly, fun, and highly customer-oriented.

Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor - new website design and development
Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor - new website design and development

Creating the Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on our ability to transform brands through innovative and user-centric digital experiences. When Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor approached us to create their online presence, we saw an exciting opportunity to bring their curated range of home decor products and their design expertise to life. Utilizing the Divi WordPress theme, we set out to design a website that not only showcases their products but also embodies their brand’s ethos—friendly, fun, and highly customer-oriented.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Understanding the Client’s Needs

The first step in our process was to deeply understand the vision and values of Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor. Known for their carefully selected pieces sourced from both local and international makers, the brand stands out for its design-led selections and the personalized service of their team. Our goal was to create a digital space that reflects this commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor wanted a website that would allow customers to explore and shop their collections with ease. They also needed a platform to highlight their design projects and offer inspiration to visitors looking to style and decorate their homes. We decided that the Divi theme, with its flexibility and powerful customization options, was the perfect choice to achieve these objectives.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor wanted a website that would allow customers to explore and shop their collections with ease. They also needed a platform to highlight their design projects and offer inspiration to visitors looking to style and decorate their homes. We decided that the Divi theme, with its flexibility and powerful customization options, was the perfect choice to achieve these objectives.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Designing the Layout

Designing the User Experience

The user experience (UX) was at the forefront of our design process. We aimed to create an intuitive and visually appealing interface that would engage users from the moment they land on the site. Using Divi’s drag-and-drop builder, we were able to experiment with various layouts and design elements to find the perfect balance.

Homepage Design

The homepage is often the first point of contact for visitors, so it needed to make a strong impression. We designed a clean, modern layout that immediately communicates the brand’s aesthetic. The use of high-quality images of their products and design projects was crucial in creating an aspirational yet accessible feel. The homepage features:

  • A dynamic hero section with a rotating banner showcasing the latest collections and promotions.
  • Quick links to popular product categories such as flooring, bathroom tapware, and decor.
  • A section highlighting recent design projects, with links to explore each project in detail.
  • An introduction to the team at Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor, emphasizing their expertise and friendly approach.

Product Pages

For the product pages, we focused on creating a seamless shopping experience. Each product page includes:

  • High-resolution images that allow users to zoom in and see details.
  • Detailed product descriptions and specifications.
  • Information about the designers or makers, highlighting the unique story behind each piece.
  • Customer reviews and ratings to build trust and provide social proof.
  • Easy-to-use navigation for related products and categories.

Design Projects

One of the unique aspects of Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor is their portfolio of design projects. We created a dedicated section on the website to showcase these projects. Each project page includes:

  • An overview of the project, including the design goals and challenges.
  • A gallery of before-and-after photos.
  • Details about the products used in the project, with links to purchase them.
  • Testimonials from satisfied clients.

Blog and Inspiration Section

To position Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor as a thought leader in the home decor space, we added a blog and inspiration section. This area features:

  • Articles on interior design trends, tips, and advice.
  • Spotlight features on local and international designers.
  • DIY guides and tutorials for home improvement projects.
  • Updates on new product arrivals and upcoming sales.

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Development and Customization

With the design blueprint in place, our development team set to work building the website on WordPress using the Divi theme. Divi’s robust framework allowed us to implement custom features and ensure that the site was fully responsive.

Custom Modules and Plugins

To enhance the functionality of the website, we developed several custom modules and integrated plugins, including:

  • A product filter system that allows users to sort and find products based on various criteria such as price, color, and style.
  • An appointment booking system for customers to schedule consultations with the Bathurst design team.
  • A customer feedback form to gather insights and improve service.

SEO and Performance Optimization

Ensuring that the website is easily discoverable by search engines was crucial for driving organic traffic. Our SEO specialists optimized the site’s content, meta tags, and images. Additionally, we implemented performance enhancements such as caching, image optimization, and code minification to ensure fast loading times.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Development and Customization

With the design blueprint in place, our development team set to work building the website on WordPress using the Divi theme. Divi’s robust framework allowed us to implement custom features and ensure that the site was fully responsive.

Custom Modules and Plugins

To enhance the functionality of the website, we developed several custom modules and integrated plugins, including:

  • A product filter system that allows users to sort and find products based on various criteria such as price, color, and style.
  • An appointment booking system for customers to schedule consultations with the Bathurst design team.
  • A customer feedback form to gather insights and improve service.

SEO and Performance Optimization

Ensuring that the website is easily discoverable by search engines was crucial for driving organic traffic. Our SEO specialists optimized the site’s content, meta tags, and images. Additionally, we implemented performance enhancements such as caching, image optimization, and code minification to ensure fast loading times.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Testing and Launch

Before launching the site, we conducted thorough testing to ensure everything functioned smoothly. This included:

  • Cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility across different web browsers.
  • Mobile testing to confirm that the site is fully responsive and user-friendly on all devices.
  • Usability testing to identify and resolve any potential user experience issues.

After addressing all feedback and making final adjustments, we were ready to launch the website. We coordinated closely with the Bathurst team to ensure a smooth transition and provided training on how to manage and update the site using WordPress and Divi.

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Our relationship with Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor didn’t end with the website launch. We continue to provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the site remains up-to-date and secure. Additionally, we set up analytics tools to track user behavior and gather data on site performance. This data allows us to make informed recommendations for future improvements and ensure that the website continues to meet the evolving needs of the business and its customers.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Our relationship with Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor didn’t end with the website launch. We continue to provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the site remains up-to-date and secure. Additionally, we set up analytics tools to track user behavior and gather data on site performance. This data allows us to make informed recommendations for future improvements and ensure that the website continues to meet the evolving needs of the business and its customers.

Understanding the Clients Needs


Creating the website for Bathurst Flooring & Home Decor was a rewarding experience for Loveridge Digital. By leveraging the power and flexibility of the Divi WordPress theme, we were able to build a site that not only showcases their beautiful product range but also provides an engaging and intuitive user experience. The result is a digital presence that reflects Bathurst’s commitment to quality, design excellence, and exceptional customer service. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting their growth in the digital space.