Bronco Built

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Creating the Bronco Built Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier digital solutions that combine aesthetics, functionality, and seamless user experience. Our recent project for Bronco Built was no exception. We were tasked with designing and developing a website that not only showcased their robust range of ute trays, canopies, and service bodies but also embodied the strength and durability of their products. Here’s a comprehensive look into how we brought the Bronco Built website to life using Divi on WordPress.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Creating the Bronco Built Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier digital solutions that combine aesthetics, functionality, and seamless user experience. Our recent project for Bronco Built was no exception. We were tasked with designing and developing a website that not only showcased their robust range of ute trays, canopies, and service bodies but also embodied the strength and durability of their products. Here’s a comprehensive look into how we brought the Bronco Built website to life using Divi on WordPress.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Understanding the Client’s Needs

The first step in any web development project is understanding the client’s vision and requirements. Bronco Built, founded by brothers Derek and Chad Mansur, has a strong brand identity focused on quality, durability, and precision. They needed a website that could:

  1. Showcase their extensive product range.
  2. Provide easy access to product information and quotes.
  3. Reflect their commitment to quality and Australian manufacturing.
  4. Be user-friendly across all devices.

We conducted thorough discussions with Bronco Built to gather detailed requirements, ensuring we understood their business, target audience, and desired functionalities.

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Divi, a powerful and versatile WordPress theme and page builder by Elegant Themes, was chosen for its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive customization options. Divi’s visual builder allows for real-time design and responsive editing, which was crucial for creating a dynamic and visually appealing website for Bronco Built.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Divi, a powerful and versatile WordPress theme and page builder by Elegant Themes, was chosen for its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive customization options. Divi’s visual builder allows for real-time design and responsive editing, which was crucial for creating a dynamic and visually appealing website for Bronco Built.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Designing the Layout

Homepage: The homepage is designed to immediately capture the visitor’s attention with a bold, clean layout that highlights the primary services and products offered by Bronco Built. Large, high-quality images of the products, combined with concise, compelling text, create a strong first impression.

  • Hero Section: A full-width image slider showcasing the key products and a catchy slogan, “Designed for Work. Built for Life.”, sets the tone.
  • Product Highlights: Direct links to different product categories (Trays, Canopies, Service Bodies) with visually appealing images and brief descriptions.
  • Call-to-Action: Prominent “Get a Quote” buttons strategically placed to drive conversions.

Product Pages: Each product page (Steel Trays, Alloy Trays, Canopies, Service Bodies) features detailed descriptions, high-resolution images, and specifications. We used Divi’s module options to create tabs for easy navigation through features, specifications, and galleries.

  • Image Galleries: Lightbox-enabled galleries allow users to view detailed images of the products.
  • Detailed Specifications: Tabbed content modules to neatly organize product specifications, making it easy for users to find the information they need.

Quote Pages: For the quote pages, we integrated a form builder that aligns with Bronco Built’s existing processes, allowing potential customers to get quotes for specific products quickly and efficiently.

  • Interactive Forms: Divi’s form builder was used to create interactive, easy-to-use forms that guide the user through the quote request process.

About Us and Contact Pages: These pages were designed to provide background information on Bronco Built, their mission, and how to get in touch. A clean layout with strategically placed call-to-action buttons encourages user interaction.

  • About Us: Featuring a timeline of the company’s history, mission statement, and team bios to build trust and connect with visitors.
  • Contact Us: Integrated Google Maps, contact form, and business hours for easy communication.

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Responsive Design: With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring the website was fully responsive was crucial. Divi’s built-in responsive editing tools allowed us to optimise the site for all screen sizes, providing a seamless experience whether accessed via desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Performance Optimization: We implemented various performance optimization techniques to ensure fast load times and smooth navigation, including:

  • Image Optimization: Using tools like Smush to compress images without sacrificing quality.
  • Caching: Utilising caching plugins to reduce server load and improve page load speeds.
  • Minification: Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to reduce file size and improve load times.
Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Responsive Design: With a significant portion of web traffic coming from mobile devices, ensuring the website was fully responsive was crucial. Divi’s built-in responsive editing tools allowed us to optimise the site for all screen sizes, providing a seamless experience whether accessed via desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Performance Optimization: We implemented various performance optimization techniques to ensure fast load times and smooth navigation, including:

  • Image Optimization: Using tools like Smush to compress images without sacrificing quality.
  • Caching: Utilising caching plugins to reduce server load and improve page load speeds.
  • Minification: Minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files to reduce file size and improve load times.
Understanding the Clients Needs

Testing and Launch

Before the official launch, extensive testing was conducted to ensure all functionalities worked as intended across different browsers and devices. We conducted:

  • Cross-Browser Testing: Ensuring the website performs well on all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
  • Device Testing: Testing on various devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops) to ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Performance Testing: Using tools like GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights to analyse and improve performance metrics.

After rigorous testing and final tweaks, the website was launched. Post-launch, we provided Bronco Build with training on using the Divi builder and managing their content, ensuring they could easily make updates and additions as needed.

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Following the launch, we continued to offer support to ensure the website ran smoothly. We also set up analytics tools to monitor site performance and user behaviour, providing Bronco Built with valuable insights to inform future updates and improvements.

Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing maintenance and support services, including regular updates, backups, and security checks to keep the website secure and up-to-date.

Analytics and Reporting: Google Analytics and other tools were integrated to track user behaviour, providing data on visitor demographics, popular pages, and conversion rates. This data helps Bronco Build understand their audience better and make informed decisions.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Following the launch, we continued to offer support to ensure the website ran smoothly. We also set up analytics tools to monitor site performance and user behaviour, providing Bronco Built with valuable insights to inform future updates and improvements.

Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing maintenance and support services, including regular updates, backups, and security checks to keep the website secure and up-to-date.

Analytics and Reporting: Google Analytics and other tools were integrated to track user behaviour, providing data on visitor demographics, popular pages, and conversion rates. This data helps Bronco Build understand their audience better and make informed decisions.

Understanding the Clients Needs


The Bronco Built website is a testament to what can be achieved with a clear vision, collaborative effort, and the right tools. By leveraging Divi’s robust features, we created a visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly website that effectively showcases Bronco Built’s high-quality products. At Loveridge Digital, we look forward to continuing our partnership with Bronco Built, helping them achieve their digital goals and reach new heights in their business.