Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping

Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping

Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping Primary Objective To promote & drive Spring Glamping bookings. Secondary Objective To improve the brand awareness of Mayfield Garden in the following areas (including an approx 50km radius around each): Primary Objective To promote...
Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping

Australian National Field Days 2024 Campaign

Australian National Field Days 2024 Campaign Our Objective To boost brand awareness and attendance, ANFD launched a multi-channel marketing campaign targeting diverse audiences. Our Objective To boost brand awareness and attendance, ANFD launched a multi-channel...
Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping

Atlantic Oil 205L Drums Promotion

Atlantic Oil 205L Drums Promotion Our Objective With competitors ramping up their sales & marketing efforts, we had to discount major product lines in order to push back. After some deliberation, in February 2022 Auto Parts Central ran a promotion on 205L oil...
Mayfield Garden Spring Glamping

Canero Industries – Advertising 6 Month Results

Canero Industries – Advertising 6 Month Results Our Objective Since kicking off paid advertising in April 2024, we have been running multiple campaigns across a number of platforms, ensuring that we reach Canero’s target audience at multiple stages of the...