Inside Outside

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Creating the Inside Outside Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver custom, high-quality digital solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. The creation of the Inside Outside Bathurst website is a testament to our expertise, particularly in utilizing the powerful Divi theme on WordPress. This project required a blend of creative design, technical proficiency, and strategic thinking to achieve a website that not only looks great but also delivers a seamless user experience. Here, we outline the comprehensive process involved in bringing Inside Outside Bathurst to life.

Inside Outside
Inside Outside

Creating the Inside Outside Website

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver custom, high-quality digital solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. The creation of the Inside Outside Bathurst website is a testament to our expertise, particularly in utilizing the powerful Divi theme on WordPress. This project required a blend of creative design, technical proficiency, and strategic thinking to achieve a website that not only looks great but also delivers a seamless user experience. Here, we outline the comprehensive process involved in bringing Inside Outside Bathurst to life.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Understanding the Client’s Needs

The first and most crucial step in any web development project is understanding the client’s vision. Inside Outside Bathurst sought to create an online platform that effectively showcased local businesses, events, and attractions in the Bathurst region. Their goal was to foster a stronger community connection and provide valuable information to both residents and visitors.

During our initial consultations, we delved deep into the specifics of their requirements. We discussed the desired look and feel of the website, the necessary functionalities, and how we could make it an engaging and informative resource. This phase involved several brainstorming sessions, competitive analysis, and extensive research into the Bathurst area.

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Once the planning was complete, we moved on to the design and development phase. We chose Divi for its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and robust features that allow for both creativity and functionality.

Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Choosing Divi for Flexibility and Customization

Once the planning was complete, we moved on to the design and development phase. We chose Divi for its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and robust features that allow for both creativity and functionality.

Understanding the Clients Needs

Designing the Layout

Custom Design

Using Divi, we began crafting the custom design elements that would define the Inside Outside Bathurst website. Key considerations included:

  • Visual Appeal: We aimed for a clean, modern design that would be visually appealing and reflect the vibrant spirit of Bathurst. This involved selecting a color palette that was both welcoming and professional, along with fonts that were easy to read.
  • User Experience (UX): Ensuring a seamless user experience was paramount. This meant creating intuitive navigation, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and optimizing load times. Divi’s built-in tools and modules were instrumental in achieving these goals.
  • Branding: We integrated Inside Outside Bathurst’s branding throughout the site, ensuring consistency across all pages. This included logo placement, color schemes, and typography choices that aligned with the brand’s identity.


With the design in place, our development team began building the site using Divi. This process involved:

  • Setting Up WordPress and Divi: We installed WordPress on the client’s hosting server and added the Divi theme. We then configured the basic settings to align with the project requirements.
  • Creating Custom Modules: Divi’s drag-and-drop builder allowed us to create custom modules for different sections of the website. For instance, we designed unique modules for the business directory, event listings, and attraction showcases.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring that the site was fully responsive was a priority. We used Divi’s responsive editing features to fine-tune the design for different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • SEO Optimization: We implemented on-page SEO best practices, using Divi’s SEO-friendly features. This included optimizing meta tags, headers, and content structure to improve search engine visibility.

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Content Integration

We worked closely with Inside Outside Bathurst to gather and integrate content. This included:

  • Local Business Listings: We created a comprehensive directory of local businesses, each with its own dedicated page. These pages included detailed information, images, and contact details.
  • Events Calendar: An interactive events calendar was added to showcase upcoming events in Bathurst. Users could easily navigate the calendar to find events that interested them.
  • Attractions Pages: Dedicated pages for local attractions were created, providing detailed descriptions, images, and visitor information.

Custom Functionality

To enhance user engagement and site functionality, we implemented several custom features using Divi and additional plugins:

  • Advanced Search Functionality: We integrated advanced search features to help users quickly find businesses, events, or attractions. This involved customizing the search algorithms and results display.
  • User Submissions: We added a feature that allowed local businesses and event organizers to submit their information directly through the website. This was facilitated through custom forms created with Divi and integrated with the backend for easy management.
  • Interactive Maps: To help users locate businesses and attractions, we integrated interactive maps using Google Maps API. This feature provided a visual representation of locations, enhancing the user experience.
Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Content Integration

We worked closely with Inside Outside Bathurst to gather and integrate content. This included:

  • Local Business Listings: We created a comprehensive directory of local businesses, each with its own dedicated page. These pages included detailed information, images, and contact details.
  • Events Calendar: An interactive events calendar was added to showcase upcoming events in Bathurst. Users could easily navigate the calendar to find events that interested them.
  • Attractions Pages: Dedicated pages for local attractions were created, providing detailed descriptions, images, and visitor information.

Custom Functionality

To enhance user engagement and site functionality, we implemented several custom features using Divi and additional plugins:

  • Advanced Search Functionality: We integrated advanced search features to help users quickly find businesses, events, or attractions. This involved customizing the search algorithms and results display.
  • User Submissions: We added a feature that allowed local businesses and event organizers to submit their information directly through the website. This was facilitated through custom forms created with Divi and integrated with the backend for easy management.
  • Interactive Maps: To help users locate businesses and attractions, we integrated interactive maps using Google Maps API. This feature provided a visual representation of locations, enhancing the user experience. 
Understanding the Clients Needs

Testing and Launch

Before launching the site, we conducted thorough testing to ensure everything worked seamlessly. This involved:

  • Functionality Testing: We tested all features and functionalities to ensure they worked as intended. This included forms, search functions, interactive maps, and more.
  • Usability Testing: We conducted usability tests with a group of users to gather feedback on the site’s navigation, design, and overall user experience.
  • Performance Testing: Using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix, we tested the site’s performance and made necessary optimizations to ensure fast load times.

Once testing was complete and any necessary adjustments were made, we prepared for the launch. This involved:

  • Final Review: Conducting a final review with the client to ensure everything met their expectations.
  • Training: Providing training to the Inside Outside Bathurst team on how to manage and update the site using Divi and WordPress.
  • Launch Strategy: Develop a launch strategy that includes pre-launch announcements, social media promotions, and an email campaign to notify subscribers.

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Our commitment to Inside Outside Bathurst didn’t end with the launch. We provided ongoing support to ensure the site continued to perform well and meet the client’s needs. This included:

  • Regular Updates: Keeping the WordPress core, Divi theme, and all plugins updated to ensure security and performance.
  • Content Updates: Assisting with regular content updates, including adding new businesses, events, and attractions as needed.
  • Technical Support: Providing technical support to address any issues or questions that arose post-launch.
Understanding the Clients Needs
Understanding the Clients Needs

Post-Launch Support and Analytics

Our commitment to Inside Outside Bathurst didn’t end with the launch. We provided ongoing support to ensure the site continued to perform well and meet the client’s needs. This included:

  • Regular Updates: Keeping the WordPress core, Divi theme, and all plugins updated to ensure security and performance.
  • Content Updates: Assisting with regular content updates, including adding new businesses, events, and attractions as needed.
  • Technical Support: Providing technical support to address any issues or questions that arose post-launch.
Understanding the Clients Needs


The Inside Outside Bathurst website project showcases Loveridge Digital’s capabilities in delivering high-quality, customized digital solutions. By leveraging the power of Divi on WordPress, we were able to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional website that meets the unique needs of the Bathurst community. Our strategic approach, combined with our commitment to excellence, ensured the successful delivery of a project that both we and the client are proud of.

Through this case study, it’s evident that our meticulous planning, innovative design, and technical expertise were crucial in bringing Inside Outside Bathurst’s vision to life. As a creative digital agency, Loveridge Digital continues to excel in creating digital experiences that resonate with audiences and drive engagement.