What is Casting?

Hello Everyone,

It’s Josh here from Loveridge Digital, this week on “Getting into it with Loveridge Digital” we are going to cover what Casting is!

You have officially committed that you want to create a video for your company and are now in the pre-production process with your chosen production company, but you suddenly think to yourself “How will they pick talent for the video?”, This is where Casting comes in!

Casting is a pre-production stage in which typically the DP and producers along with the key members “cast” or hire their talent, This process typically includes an audition, screen test, and callback to ensure the chosen members are right for the role they have been cast to play, The Casting process will typically last a few days and can be quite a lengthy process!

The first step in the casting process is to break down a small piece of the script which is then distributed via typically an Open call or to talent agents, this piece of the script is what your talent will be auditioning with!

Once the candidates have been given time to prepare a date will be set for either virtually recorded auditions or in-person auditions, During the audition, the candidate will perform the broken down piece of the script to the best of their ability which will give the key members great insight into their ability, often times the broken down part of the script will have a variety of scenes in it, this ensures the director can get a “lay of the land” so to speak and ensure the potential candidate will be suitable for most scenes.
Once the auditions are finished a shortlist of candidates is made and they are called back for a second more in-depth audition which will separate the candidates out and really give the key members a deep insight into their performance. After this stage there may be a screentest conducted to see how the talent interacts with other actors, this test will spot any chemistry issues early on and ensure that the candidate will fit in well into the production team!

After this is completed the candidate is chosen and given the role!

Now you may ask, “Why would time and money be wasted on organizing castings?”, Put simply the reason casting is so important is that the performance and quality of your talent will directly affect your end product, A stellar performance will skyrocket your production quality whereas a mediocre one does nothing but diminishes it. The other thing to keep in mind is that you are representing your company and you want your brand to be portrayed in a great light, not a poor one!

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch the video, I hope you found it informative and engaging, until next time.

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Loveridge Digital would like to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians of the Australian lands on which we work. We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of those whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders, past, present and to the younger generation of the community who will be the future leaders in years to come.