Fibonacci sequence

Hello Everyone,

Its Josh here from Loveridge Designs, this week on “Getting into it with Loveridge Designs” We are going to cover the Fibonacci sequence

Simply put the Fibonacci Sequence is a series of numbers with the pattern of each number being the sum of the previous two. So starting at zero the sequence would be as follows:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144…
It can go on forever although it is a fairly basic concept, as you can see, and possibly seems more rooted in mathematics than something relevant to design or content creation.

On its own, the Fibonacci sequence might seem to have something to do with arithmetic and nothing to do with content creation. They’re just numbers, aren’t they?
In a number of areas, the pattern actually relates closely to the field of content creation

The first area of relevance is that the sequence is actually very similar to the Golden Ratio. To describe the concept simply, The Golden Ratio is a concept used across history to establish visually pleasing proportions in art , architecture, design as well as the physical figure.
Furthermore, in nature, the series is frequently used. In spreading trees, budding artichokes, and clusters of leaves on plant stems, just to name a few, this pattern and sequence is found everywhere around us. In nature, these apparently random patterns are often considered to have the highest human aesthetic significance. There is a crucial design feature that the Fibonacci sequence helps resolve by setting these elements aside. This factor is a principle that is overlooked by many creators, regardless of their interpretation of the series, and that is Rational Spacing.

The “better looking” elements of content creation such as visual effects or sound design make it very simple to get distracted. Naturally, designers are passionate individuals, so it is only reasonable for color palettes, font choices, and cinematographic strategies to fascinate and distract us. Although these aspects are key components of content production, the control and allocation of space of a scene is essentially what contributes to most of its success from a design point of view.
Spacing and the use of space is what glues a shot together. The distinction between an ordinary piece and an outstanding one can be rendered by precise and efficient spatial management. You need to understand that judgments about the use of screen space are needed for every aspect of your video.
By understanding the ratios of our components, this may be expanded further, In this example, how high is the building? Compared to the tree beside him, how large is the actor’s head? These proportions are what make or break the piece ‘s balance, focus and flow.
Additionally, we are continuously looking for harmony and comprehension of the environment around us, whether we know it or not. It is one of the attributes that has helped propel our society at such a quick pace. This promotion of order and comprehension also relates to our graphic design evaluation. Our mind is continuously looking for a cause, pattern or explanation for what we see. This is particularly true of video spacing, scaling, and proportions.
Many creators randomly choose size and spacing or based on “instinct,” which does not look terrible, which is why so many designers get comfortable with this approach design, The eyeball approach as I like to call it. But even though these size choices may look good to your eye, within these relationships, your brain is trying to find harmony. It will still feel unpolished if the unity doesn’t exist.
A way of introducing a mathematical sizing and spacing scheme into your material is the Fibonacci Series. One based on an aesthetically established appeal in all aspects of life!

Thank you very much for taking the time to watch the video I hope you found it both informative and engaging
Until next time.

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Loveridge Digital would like to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians of the Australian lands on which we work. We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of those whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders, past, present and to the younger generation of the community who will be the future leaders in years to come.