What motion graphics are and why they are extremely beneficial for your videos!
Hello Everyone,
Its Josh here from Loveridge Designs, this week on “Getting into it with Loveridge Designs” We are going to what motion graphics are and why they are extremely beneficial for your videos.
Motion graphics are a form of animation but have typography as a major component
Motion graphics, in laymen’s terms, are a fantastic source of narrative development that incorporates motion and illustration. Since animation not only utilizes visual elements such as words, forms, or pictures, but also incorporates and triggers auditory sensors to convey ideas which have been found to be more engaging for viewers are more compared to normal posters.
The beauty of this effect is the ability in a short , quick, visually appealing video to be able to showcase complicated images, narratives , concepts, and a wealth of information. As a consequence, it helps to deliver a message in the quickest way and catches and holds the interest of the audience instantly.
There has been a question on the distinction among motion graphics and traditional animation since motion graphics first entered the fray. The opening credits of alfred hitchcock Psycho, for instance, are an early instance of motion graphics, where the partnership of audio, motion, and illustration fuse very well.
Here are some of many benefits of motion graphics compared to other forms of visual media:
#1 They are efficient in terms of cost and time. You need much less time , resources, and effort to make eye-grabbing motion pictures with excellent execution. .
#2 They increase brand awareness. Audiences grasp abstract images, concepts, and statistics quickly if they are described in basic terms and in an entertaining manner. Latest research has found that consumers remember 95 percent of a statement when they view it in a clip, compared to 10 percent when they read it in a poster.
#3 It makes people on social media want to share your branded material. About 1200 percent more so than basic text and stationary images combined, individuals post social video.
#4 They accelerate interest. 85 % of customers are excited to see more advertised content and are interested in giving real-time input, which is a fantastic communication medium that enables what can be enhanced in the content to be conceptualized.
#5 Motion Graphics improves revenue with a higher return on investment. 300 percent more traffic is generated by multimedia content , which in turn creates more inquiries.
#6 It makes a brand stick out as well as be a pioneer between competitors. Viewers spend about 2.6x more time viewing video sites than without them.
Motion graphics express messages efficiently if executed properly with the correct use of video and auditory features. The more viewers watch, listen, connect with your material, the more they value your business, your company, or your product. As a consequence, you become an expert customers want to depend on and pursue, not just some organization that wants to sell them things.
Thank you very much for taking the time to watch the video I hope you found it both informative and engaging
Until next time.
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