Finn Feral Assist

Creating the website for Feral Assist was an exciting project for us at Loveridge Digital. Our mission was to design a visually appealing, user-friendly, and informative site that effectively showcases Feral Assist’s services in pest control and management. Here’s a detailed look at how we brought this project to life using Divi, a popular WordPress theme known for its flexibility and ease of use.

Initial Consultation and Planning

The process began with a thorough consultation with the client to understand their needs, goals, and target audience. Feral Assist, founded by Daniel, focuses on providing professional pest control services across New South Wales, particularly for rural areas. The site needed to convey trust, reliability, and professionalism while also being easy to navigate and informative.

Choosing Divi for the Project

We chose Divi for this project due to its powerful drag-and-drop builder, which allows for highly customizable designs without extensive coding. Divi’s extensive library of pre-designed layouts and modules enabled us to quickly prototype different designs and iterate based on client feedback.

Designing the Home Page

The home page is the first point of contact for visitors, so we made sure it was both visually striking and informative. The design includes:

  • Hero Section: A compelling hero image with a call-to-action button that encourages visitors to get in touch.
  • Introduction to Feral Assist: A brief overview of the company’s history and mission, establishing credibility.
  • Service Highlights: Visual icons and brief descriptions of the key services offered, such as aerial shooting capabilities and humane animal destruction.
  • Accreditations and Licenses: Displaying the company’s credentials and insurance details to build trust with potential clients.

Crafting Detailed Service Pages

Each service offered by Feral Assist has its own dedicated page, which we designed to provide in-depth information. These pages include:

  • Service Description: Detailed explanations of what each service entails.
  • Visual Elements: High-quality images and icons to visually represent the services.
  • Customer Testimonials: Real-life success stories and feedback from previous clients to add credibility and encourage new customers to engage.

Building the “Our Equipment” Section

The equipment used by Feral Assist is a critical part of their service offering. We created a dedicated section to showcase their state-of-the-art tools and vehicles:

  • High-Quality Images: Photos of the equipment in use, giving potential clients a clear idea of the resources available.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Information on the capabilities and uses of each piece of equipment, such as the Toyota LandCruiser Ute and various firearms.
  • User-Friendly Layout: Organized in a way that is easy to navigate and understand, ensuring visitors can quickly find the information they need.

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness

Given the diverse range of users accessing the site, it was essential to ensure it was fully responsive. Divi’s built-in mobile optimization tools allowed us to create a seamless experience across all devices. We tested the site extensively on various screen sizes to ensure it looked great and functioned well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Implementing Contact and Lead Generation Features

Effective lead generation was a key goal for Feral Assist. We implemented several features to facilitate this:

  • Contact Forms: Easy-to-use forms that allow visitors to quickly get in touch with Daniel and his team.
  • Call-to-Action Buttons: Strategically placed throughout the site to encourage visitors to contact Feral Assist.
  • Google Maps Integration: A map showing the service areas to help potential clients understand the geographic reach of Feral Assist.

SEO and Performance Optimization

To ensure the site reaches its target audience, we focused on SEO and performance optimization:

  • Keyword Research and Implementation: We conducted thorough keyword research to identify terms that potential clients might use when searching for pest control services.
  • Optimized Content: All text and metadata were optimized for search engines to improve the site’s visibility.
  • Fast Loading Times: By optimizing images and leveraging Divi’s performance features, we ensured the site loads quickly, which is crucial for user experience and SEO.

Testing and Launch

Before the official launch, we conducted extensive testing to ensure everything worked perfectly:

  • Functionality Testing: Ensuring all links, forms, and interactive elements functioned correctly.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Verifying that the site performed well across different browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Final Client Review: We walked the client through the entire site, made final adjustments based on their feedback, and ensured they were completely satisfied with the end product.

Post-Launch Support

After the launch, we provided ongoing support to ensure the site continued to perform well:

  • Regular Updates: Keeping the WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date to maintain security and functionality.
  • Content Updates: Assisting with content updates as needed to keep the site current and relevant.
  • Technical Support: Addressing any technical issues that arose and providing guidance on using the site’s features.


The creation of the Feral Assist website was a comprehensive process that involved careful planning, design, and execution. Using Divi, we were able to create a site that not only meets the needs of our client but also provides a seamless and informative experience for their visitors. The end result is a professional, trustworthy, and highly functional website that effectively showcases Feral Assist’s services and capabilities. At Loveridge Digital, we are proud of this project and look forward to continuing our partnership with Feral Assist as they grow and evolve.