
Creating the SS Media Website with Divi on WordPress

At Loveridge Digital, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, visually appealing, and user-friendly websites. Our recent project for SS Media Bathurst is a testament to our capabilities as a creative digital agency. This website, which showcases SS Media’s expertise in wedding and event videography, was crafted using the Divi theme on WordPress, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and functional excellence.

Understanding Client Needs

Initial Consultation

Our journey began with a detailed consultation with SS Media. They emphasized their need for a website that not only highlighted their videography skills but also conveyed their unique storytelling approach. They required a platform to showcase their portfolio, attract new clients, and provide detailed information about their services.

Identifying Key Features

Based on this consultation, we identified several key features the website needed:

  • A visually striking homepage to capture visitors’ attention.
  • Dedicated sections for services, portfolios, and client testimonials.
  • A user-friendly contact form to facilitate inquiries and bookings.
  • An intuitive navigation system for easy access to information.

Designing with Divi

Choosing Divi

We chose the Divi theme for this project due to its flexibility, powerful design options, and ease of use. Divi’s drag-and-drop builder allowed us to create a customized, responsive design that perfectly matched SS Media’s branding and functional requirements.

Homepage Design

The homepage serves as the first point of contact for visitors. We designed it to be both engaging and informative. Using high-quality images and a clean layout, we highlighted SS Media’s unique selling points. The header features a captivating video background, giving visitors an immediate sense of SS Media’s expertise.

Service Pages

For the service pages, we used Divi’s pre-built layouts and customized them to fit SS Media’s needs. Each service—weddings, events, and digital media—has its own page, complete with detailed descriptions and examples of previous work. These pages are designed to be visually appealing, using a combination of text, images, and videos to provide comprehensive information.


The portfolio section is crucial for showcasing SS Media’s work. We used Divi’s gallery modules to create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate portfolio. Each project is displayed with a thumbnail that, when clicked, opens a detailed view with a video player, project description, and client testimonials. This approach ensures that potential clients can easily see the quality and style of SS Media’s work.


Client testimonials are essential for building trust. We integrated a testimonials module to display client feedback prominently. The testimonials are styled to match the overall design, ensuring a cohesive look. Each testimonial includes the client’s name and a summary of their experience with SS Media, adding a personal touch.

Contact Form

A user-friendly contact form is vital for converting visitors into clients. We used Divi’s form module to create a comprehensive contact form that gathers all necessary information. The form is simple yet effective, asking for details such as name, email, budget, and event specifics. This setup helps SS Media efficiently manage inquiries and respond promptly.

Technical Implementation

SEO Optimization

To ensure the website ranks well on search engines, we implemented several SEO best practices. This included optimizing images, using appropriate meta tags, and ensuring fast load times. We also incorporated keywords related to SS Media’s services and locations to improve search engine visibility.

Mobile Responsiveness

With an increasing number of users accessing websites on mobile devices, it was crucial to ensure the site was fully responsive. Divi’s built-in responsiveness settings allowed us to fine-tune the design for different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.

Performance Optimization

We prioritized performance optimization to ensure quick load times and a smooth user experience. This involved optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and using caching plugins. These efforts resulted in a fast, responsive website that performs well even under high traffic.

Security Measures

To protect the website from potential threats, we implemented several security measures. This included using SSL certificates, setting up regular backups, and installing security plugins to monitor and block malicious activities. These steps ensure the website remains secure and reliable.

Post-Launch Support

Training and Documentation

After the website launch, we provided SS Media with comprehensive training and documentation. This included instructions on how to update content, manage inquiries, and utilize the various features of the Divi theme. Our goal was to empower SS Media to maintain their website independently while knowing they could rely on us for support if needed.

Ongoing Maintenance

We also offered ongoing maintenance services to ensure the website remains up-to-date and functional. This includes regular updates to WordPress, Divi, and other plugins, as well as monitoring the website’s performance and security. Our proactive approach helps prevent issues before they arise, ensuring a smooth user experience for SS Media’s clients.


Creating the SS Media Bathurst website was a collaborative and rewarding process. By leveraging the power of the Divi theme on WordPress, we were able to deliver a website that meets SS Media’s needs and exceeds their expectations. The result is a visually stunning, user-friendly platform that effectively showcases their videography services and helps attract new clients.

At Loveridge Digital, we are committed to providing top-notch digital solutions tailored to our clients’ needs. The success of the SS Media website is a testament to our expertise and dedication. We look forward to continuing to support SS Media and other clients in their digital journeys, helping them achieve their goals with innovative and effective web design.