Stratton Studios

Creating the Stratton Studios website was a comprehensive project that showcased Loveridge Digital’s expertise as a creative digital agency. Utilising Divi, a highly versatile WordPress theme, we crafted a dynamic and visually engaging website that not only represents the innovative spirit of Stratton Studios but also enhances user experience and accessibility. Here’s an in-depth look at our approach and the steps we took to bring this project to life.

Understanding the Client’s Vision

From the outset, it was crucial to understand Stratton Studios’ goals and vision. As a game development company, they needed a website that reflected their creativity, technical prowess, and the engaging nature of their products. We conducted several discovery meetings to gather information on their brand identity, target audience, and specific website functionalities they required.

Planning and Research

Once we had a clear understanding of the client’s needs, we embarked on a thorough planning phase. This involved creating a project roadmap that outlined each stage of development, from initial design concepts to final deployment. We also conducted market research and analysed competitor websites to identify best practices and innovative features that could set Stratton Studios apart.

Design and User Experience (UX)

Our design team at Loveridge Digital focused on creating a user-friendly and visually appealing layout. Using Divi’s drag-and-drop builder, we were able to swiftly iterate on different design concepts. Key design principles we adhered to included:

  1. Visual Appeal: We used bold, vibrant colours and high-quality images to capture the excitement and creativity of Stratton Studios. The use of dynamic elements and animations helped to create a more engaging experience for visitors.
  2. Intuitive Navigation: Ensuring easy navigation was paramount. We structured the site with a clear hierarchy and logical flow, allowing users to find information effortlessly. The menu was designed to be accessible from any page, reducing the number of clicks needed to reach desired content.
  3. Responsive Design: With an increasing number of users accessing websites via mobile devices, we made sure the site was fully responsive. Using Divi’s built-in tools, we tested and optimised the site for various screen sizes to ensure a seamless experience across all devices.

Development with Divi

Divi’s flexible framework allowed us to develop a website that was both powerful and easy to manage. Here’s how we utilised its features:

  1. Custom Modules: We created custom modules tailored to Stratton Studios’ specific needs. This included interactive game showcases, video embeds, and animated elements that highlighted their game development prowess.
  2. Global Elements: To maintain consistency, we used Divi’s global elements feature. This allowed us to design headers, footers, and other recurring sections that could be easily updated across the entire site from a single location.
  3. Performance Optimization: Ensuring fast load times was critical. We employed Divi’s built-in performance optimization tools to minify CSS and JavaScript, defer non-essential scripts, and optimise images.

Content Creation

Content is king, and for Stratton Studios, it was essential to create compelling content that would resonate with their audience. Our content team worked closely with Stratton Studios to develop engaging copy that highlighted their expertise and showcased their games. This included:

  1. Game Descriptions: Detailed and engaging descriptions of each game, emphasising unique features and gameplay mechanics.
  2. Blog Posts: We set up a blog to allow Stratton Studios to share news, updates, and insights into the game development process. This helps in building a community around their brand.
  3. Visual Content: High-quality images and videos were crucial. We integrated these seamlessly into the website to provide a visually rich experience.

SEO and Analytics

To ensure the site reached its target audience, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy. This involved:

  1. Keyword Optimization: We conducted keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases that potential users might search for. These were then integrated into the content, meta tags, and image alt texts.
  2. Technical SEO: Using Divi and various SEO plugins, we optimised the website’s structure, ensuring it was crawlable by search engines. This included creating an XML sitemap and setting up proper URL structures.
  3. Analytics Integration: We integrated Google Analytics and other tracking tools to monitor site performance and user behaviour. This data is invaluable for making informed decisions about future updates and marketing strategies.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Before the launch, we conducted extensive testing to ensure everything functioned perfectly. This included:

  1. Cross-browser Testing: Ensuring the site worked flawlessly across all major browsers.
  2. Usability Testing: Gathering feedback from real users to identify any potential issues with navigation or content.
  3. Performance Testing: Using tools like GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights, we tested the site’s loading speed and made necessary adjustments.

Launch and Post-launch Support

With everything in place, we launched the Stratton Studios website. However, our job didn’t end there. We provided post-launch support to handle any issues that arose and to make ongoing improvements based on user feedback and analytics data.

  1. Maintenance: Regular updates to WordPress, Divi, and any plugins to ensure security and performance.
  2. Content Updates: Assisting Stratton Studios with adding new games, blog posts, and other content.
  3. Performance Monitoring: Continual monitoring of site performance and implementing optimizations as needed.


The creation of the Stratton Studios website was a testament to Loveridge Digital’s ability to combine creativity with technical expertise. By leveraging Divi’s powerful features and our team’s comprehensive skills, we delivered a website that not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations. The final product is a dynamic, user-friendly, and visually stunning website that effectively showcases Stratton Studios’ innovative game development.

Through each phase of the project, from initial planning to post-launch support, we ensured that every detail aligned with Stratton Studios’ brand and goals. This project highlights the importance of understanding client needs, leveraging advanced tools, and maintaining a focus on user experience in web development.