Animations that create emotional connections and DRIVE ACTION

Full service animation department

These days, animation is only limited by your imagination. From commercials and feature films, to landing pages and explainer videos, animation is everywhere. It’s a way to differentiate your message, while using all sorts of rich media (e.g., music, sound effects and movement) to bring attention to specific points in 3 simple steps.


Design & Conception

The first step in the process of creating an animation is all about preparation and setting the groundwork. It’s essential to do the planning, research, and problem-solving to set your project up to be successful.



The planning is done, the preparation is complete. Now, it’s time to have some fun! The production phase is where we create the animation. This is the part where the story begins to come to life.


Render & Distribute

During the final phase, your production team will finalise any tweaks. Then, your project manager will carefully review the final renders and there you have it – a shiny new animation to share with the world!

Animation must have a purpose.

Animation allows you to produce impactful visual content without all the production costs of a traditional video shoot. Since we have our own in-house studio, managing all the production is easy. This gives you the ability to bring any concept to life.

Today, communication with your clients is all about creating emotional connections that last a lifetime. Doing this requires developing trust, sharing meaningful stories, and highlighting the human side of your brand, all of which is achievable through animation.

How can we help?

Animation can educate and inspire, and has a unique ability to make complex concepts simple to understand. Loveridge Digital unleashes a full range of animation techniques — including traditional hand-drawn, flash, stop motion, 3D, 2D, and CG effects — to bring your story or message to life in the most effective style. We specialise in creating immersive production pipelines, including our own techniques to meet the most challenging project needs. We’ve created and animated hundreds of projects, including: online and broadcast series, TV commercial spots, documentary segments, explainer videos, broadcast promos and graphics packages, educational videos, games, and many more.

Can we composite?

Yes we can! Seamlessly integrating digital assets with live-action footage, to bring together the final shot or scene is one of our specialties. Having worked with some of the biggest production houses around the globe, we are masters at the art of compositing.






  • Over 25 years of combined expertise across paid media channels
  • Over 20 years of combined expertise in creative media production
  • Range of large corporate clients, including Fortune 500 companies


  • AIBF Business All-Star Accreditation
  • Excellence in Small Business 2023 – Bathurst Business Awards
  • Full Service Media Agency of the Year 2023 & 2022 – IE 100 Awards
  • Creative Media Agency of the Year 2023 – CorporateLiveWire Global Awards
  • Best Full-Service Media Agency in Central West NSW 2022 & 2021 – M&A Today Awards
  • Best Creative Media Agency NSW 2021 & 2020 – Australian Enterprise Awards

Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems

Contact us Today

Acknowledgement to Country 2024

Loveridge Digital would like to acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional custodians of the Australian lands on which we work. We are honoured to be on the ancestral lands of those whose cultures are among the oldest living cultures in human history. We pay respect to the Elders, past, present and to the younger generation of the community who will be the future leaders in years to come.